27th Annual Kids at the Park

This year’s 27th annual Kids at the Park (KAP) event will be virtual on Wednesday August 11, 2021, 10:00 am-2:00 pm.  KAP is a health and safety fair that children and youth have the opportunity to learn about health and safety by participating and interacting in activities that teach children (and parents) how to be healthy and safe. Sign up with the QR code below or following this link.

Kids at the Park is sponsored the Safe Kids Coalition of San Benito County and will feature virtual presentations with a variety of topics that promote safe and healthy lifestyle for children, including: healthy snacks, physical activities, give-a-ways, music and entertainment, and much more. The event averages 1,000 children attendees and their families.

The mission of Safe Kids Coalition of San Benito County is to prevent accidental death and injury to children 19 years and under accomplished through the collaboration efforts of community partners.

The annual event is sponsored by the lead event organizer, the Safe Kids Coalition of San Benito County, in partnership with the San Benito County Free Library, Community Solutions, Community Food Bank, Hollister Youth Alliance, City of Hollister Recreation Department, San Benito County Governments, REACH, California Highway Patrol, City of Hollister Fire Department, City of Hollister Police Department, YMCA, and County of San Benito County Health and Human Services Agency.

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